¿Cómo usar e implementar una solución EDR?

La implementación de la seguridad EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) es un proceso que debe seguirse cuidadosamente para garantizar que la solución se configure correctamente y se pueda aprovechar al máximo. A continuación, presentamos algunos pasos comunes para implementar la seguridad EDR: Evaluación de necesidades: Antes de implementar una solución EDR, es importante evaluar sus … Read more

Suricata vs. Snort: Similitudes y diferencias

PFSENSE Snort y Suricata son dos de los sistemas de detección y prevención de intrusiones (IDS/IPS) más populares del mundo.  Ambos sistemas utilizan firmas, reglas y análisis de protocolos para detectar tráfico malicioso en las redes. Esta publicación de blog habla sobre las similitudes y diferencias entre Snort y Suricat.  La historia de Snort y … Read more

9 Riesgos de seguridad del sitio web y por qué debe protegerse contra ellos

Los riesgos de que un sitio web sea hackeado por piratas informáticos son altos cuando hay múltiples formas de aprovechar la información. Afortunadamente, no tienes que empezar de cero. Vale la pena considerar agregar estas 9 áreas para monitorear en su sitio web a su stack de ciberseguridad. #nagios #ITmonitoring. Su sitio web es la … Read more


New pfSense Releases! Plus 22.01 and CE 2.6.0 Video

Migrate from pfSense® CE software to Netgate pfSense Plus software

Netgate now offers the ability to migrate from the Community Edition (CE) of pfSense® software to pfSense Plus software.

This enables users with virtual machines or hardware not sold by Netgate to utilize the advantages of pfSense Plus software.

pfSense Plus Software Migration Procedure


To perform this migration:

  • The firewall must be running pfSense CE software version 2.6.0 or later.Before starting, take one of the following steps:
    • Perform fresh install of at least pfSense CE software version 2.6.0 by following the installation guide.
    • Upgrade an existing installation of pfSense CE software to version 2.6.0 or later by following the upgrade guide.
  • The firewall must be connected to the Internet to perform the migration.


The migration process preserves the existing filesystem type, so ensure that a firewall is in the intended state before upgrading. For example, install pfSense CE software using ZFS so that it can use pfSense Plus software with ZFS.

Obtain an Activation Token

Activation tokens are generated by the Netgate Store. To obtain a token, follow these steps:

After completing the checkout process the store will send an activation token by e-mail to the address on the Netgate Store account.


If the activation e-mail does not arrive in a timely manner, check spam or junk mail folders in the e-mail client.


Activation tokens are single use. Ensure the pfSense CE software installation is functional and is in the intended configuration before performing the migration.

Register and Migrate

  • Navigate to System > Register in the pfSense CE software GUI
  • Paste the Activation Token into the text area on the page
  • Click RegisterThe page will display a message indicating the registration results. If the registration was successful, continue. If registration failed, contact Netgate TAC.
  • Navigate to System > UpdateThe page will contain a message announcing the pfSense Plus software migration branch.
  • Set Branch to pfSense Plus Upgrade as seen in figure pfSense Plus Branch Selection.
  • Wait for the firewall to complete the update check
  • Click Confirm to confirm and start the migration process


pfSense Plus Branch Selection

The migration process will proceed from there and reboot when it is complete. This may take several minutes to complete, especially in locations with slow download speeds. Monitor the console for progress.


Do not manually reboot or remove power from the device until the migration completes as this may interrupt the process and cause it to fail.

Congratulations, the firewall is now running pfSense Plus Software!




  1. pfSense+ w/ TAC Lite price will increase to $129/yr in the future.
  2. pfSense+ Home or Lab Evaluation Agreement licenses are available for residential, non-commercial use only and laboratory testing/commercial evaluation. Business usage, production usage, MSP/CSP usage, etc requires a commercial pfSense+ license subject to the EULA. Call for volume and OEM inquiries.
  3. Commercial license for one instance on a white box/DIY, or Virtual Machine. Cloud images are licensed directly on AWS or Azure marketplaces. Private AWS/Azure offers and OEM licenses are available – please inquire.
  4. Commercial license for one instance on a white box/DIY, Virtual Machine, or upgraded support for Netgate appliances with pfSense Plus.
  5. TAC Lite Is included with Netgate appliances with pfSense Plus for life of the product. See our Lifecycle page for details on lifetime.
  6. We will offer our best effort assistance to get your pfSense Plus instance connected to the Internet and one client on the same network online.
  7. All prices are in US Dollars, taxes not included.



  • Migration upgrade from pfSense 2.6 to pfSense Plus
  • Commercial use, subject to End User License Agreement (EULA)
  • Access to the Netgate Global Support team in our Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
  • Select your preferred TAC support level: Lite, Pro or Enterprise.








  • Migration upgrade from pfSense 2.6 to pfSense Plus
  • Non-Commercial use, subject to Evaluation Agreement
  • Full access to pfSense Plus documentation and technical assistance via Netgate user forum



  • Migration upgrade from pfSense 2.6 to pfSense Plus
  • Non-Commercial use, subject to Evaluation Agreement
  • Full access to pfSense Plus documentation and technical assistance via Netgate user forum



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